One night in the summer of 2010, there was a commercial for Disney World that had discount rooms and a meal plan. This was right in Barbara’s wheelhouse. This began a two-month quest to get the best deal she could. She also needed to get an equally great deal for airfare. I had no doubt that she would accomplish her mission. We discussed that we always went to Ocean City would Disney replace the tradition this year. Barbara thought for a minute and then said, “Hell No”. Now she needed to make a plan. We spoke with Jen and AJ to see if they could take time away from work after thanksgiving. Barbara also wanted to speak with Karen Worms as she was a Disney expert. Once the plan was a go, I wanted to say something to Rocco and Enzo, but she made me wait till we got the bracelets from Disney.
The big day finally arrived. We were up at the crack of dawn and headed to the airport. It was Rocco’s and Enzo’s first time on an airplane. Barbara was so excited but still in control. The boys were excited also but a little nervous. The flight was a little challenging as the boys were tired and having breakdowns. When we got on the bus to Disney the breakdowns continued. We arrived at the hotel and once we got organized Jen and Barbara headed for the liquor store this became a tradition for all our future trips.
Our big mistake was starting early and finishing late. This was not a plan for a 2 and 4 year old. It was exhausting and stressful but ensuring the boys had a great experience was the only passion for Barbara. Each night she was exhausted but by the morning she was the happy go lucky tour director. The memory that stands out for me is the smile on her face and the joy in hear heart as she watched her boys experience the magic of Disney.