We had many exciting adventures. Toronto, Nashville, Memphis, Miami, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Diego, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The two that stand out for me are Toronto and Los Angeles. Toronto was the most challenging for Barbara. It was the first time she had to fly by herself. She called me when she got on the plane and said she had her Vodka, Valium and her Angels she would be fine. The plane left the gate on time but stayed on the runway for 1 1/2 hours. I felt bad for Barbara but more for the stewardess. She checked the status of the flight on her phone and it said the flight had taken off on time. She then called me to let me know what was going on. I heard the stewardess say, “Mam you cannot use your phone”. That was the last thing she said to Barbara because she gave her
both barrels. When she finally arrived in Toronto there was a baggage handlers strike, and it took us two hours to get her bags. She was physically and mentally exhausted. Knowing Barbara, I didn’t try to make it better we just hugged and kissed. The next morning, she still got up early and for the rest of our tome in Toronto it was like it never happened. She just wanted to be together and have a good time.
By far the best adventure was to Los Angeles. We took a trip to Hawaii. For the first few days it was the most romantic time we had. Until we decided to go to Mauna Kea Observatory. It is located in the middle of nowhere and I missed judged the gas Capacity of the car. On our way back we didn’t have
much gas left and we still had a long way to go on a very deserted road in the dark. To this day I am not sure whether she was madder at me or simply scared, but it was a stressful hour till we found a gas station. Of course, I was saying she was worrying for nothing (that did not go over well). This was my first silent treatment from Barbara. Then we went to Maui. I became obsessed with sightseeing. For the first 3 days she was a trooper letting me explore what I needed to explore. Then one morning she
woke me up early and said, “You have been in charge however where in Hawaii and I just want to put my ass in the sand”. She said it with love and she didn’t have to hit me in the back of the head to get her point across. From that moment on it was like a light went off in my soul. We had a glorious time going from beach to beach putting our asses in the sand together.